Freeclassical is a simple and responsive blogger template that looks good in any device sizes. The features are : 2 columns with right sidebar, Clean blogging template, good for you who focus on the content, Responsive, looks good in any device sizes. Tested on all major browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Opera. Auto-readmore, Validated as CSS3, Custom threaded comment, Custom PageList for main navigation, Breadcrumb navigation menu based on Google richsnippets, Good typography, using Monda from Google Web Fonts, More…
- 2 columns with right sidebar
- Clean blogging template, good for you who focus on the content
- Responsive, looks good in any device sizes.
- Tested on all major browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Opera
- Auto-readmore
- Validated as CSS3
- Custom threaded comment
- Custom PageList for main navigation
- Breadcrumb navigation menu based on Google richsnippets
- Good typography, using Monda from Google Web Fonts
- More...
- Skeleton - http://getskeleton.com/
- Blogger - http://blogger.com/
- Lea Verou - http://leaverou.github.com/prefixfree/
- You
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